How to open a safe with 4 number combination with manual
So How to open a safe with 4 number combination we make it and here these list of best for your ideas and information reason regarding the How to open a safe with 4 number combination as part of How To Do That exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find the best How to open a safe with 4 number combination photos and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use.I have the combination but nothing seems to work. Reduce your pace as you approach the last combination digit number.

Rotate the door’s dial four times in the counterclockwise direction. Turn the dial slowly to the right. How do you open a combination safe with 4 numbers?
Turn it 90 degrees in either direction.
Turn the dial right past the second number twice and stop on the third time. (older locks are typically a little more forgiving.) if you go slightly past the number you are dialing to, it is not ok to just back up those few numbers. It may be necessary to hold the button down for ten seconds or so. Combinations of this type might start by turning either to the left or right to the first number at least the same number.