How to make my voice deeper in audacity with smart ways
So How to make my voice deeper in audacity we make it and here these list of wonderful for your ideas and info purpose regarding the How to make my voice deeper in audacity as part of How To Do That exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find the best How to make my voice deeper in audacity pics and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use.Drop pitch by ~15% in audacity.png. Then press ctrl + v to paste the audio in the new track, once its there, highlight the new audio and go to effects and change pitch, then change it to any negative number that sounds good to you, then you should be done, if you want you can amplify the deeper audio so that its clearer.

This will begin recording your voice. Tiny mouth, tiny tongue, tiny teeth, hectic articulation. How to record a voice over with audacity 1.
Highlight the blank audio at the beginning of the recording, you should've noticed that there is some static/buzzing sound.
Step 3 press the red record button in audacity. Selecting effect > audacity > change speed stretches (or shrinks) the waveform this lowering pitch and also increasing the length of your sample. One of the best ways to make your voice deeper permanently is by humming, as this will stretch and relax your vocal cords which will make you sound deeper. And this clip will show you just how it's done.